Sunday, May 18, 2008

Make new friends, but keep the old...

Since college, I've been in the "make new friends" mode, but haven't been too great about keeping the old. I'm not sure why, it's just been a function of where I am, what kind of time I have...

A few weeks ago, I started to meander down memory lane and think about my old college buddies. Suzanne and Jennifer and I keep up, but not as well as I'd like to. I think we're all a little swamped with life's big changes, having kids and very busy husbands...given the circumstances, I think we do OK. I got to see Jennifer a few weeks ago, when she made a special trip up here! She brought Sammy, who Everett loved and now asks for on a daily basis. :) That was fun. Although I only got to see her for a short while, it was definitely meaningful, and I feel like we can just pick up where we left off...and be painfully honest still, too. A good trait in a lifelong friendship. I get to see Suzanne at the end of May, too! I can't wait and I think that will be so fun...

So, I decided to call up a few of my other old friends...I found Kevin and Sharon and their two kiddos, as well as Anna and Kevin and their three little ones. I've got another call to make to see if I can find Reed...Anyway, Kevin and Sharon live in Austin and when I called, they were making plans with Royce and his new wife Bea to have a visit. I got to intrude and see my old friends. It was so reaffirming and encouraging. I'm not sure why I've been so bad at keeping up...but I'll be better from now on. :) They ARE gold, after all.

It was fun, even though we only got a short chance to hang out, and we had our very busy and demanding kids with us. :) Kevin and Royce are much like I remember them, and I have always loved Sharon. It was a treat to meet Bea, and I hope we can all keep up in one way or another.


Dave said...

It has only been relatively recently that we have begun to get back in touch with friends of High School and college days. Of course, there weren't blogs, etc. fifty years ago! But we can stay in rather close contact now with a Yahoo e-group.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I hope to be better at keeping in touch, too! This is Sharon and I finally found your blog after receiving your recent email with updated contact info. We loved seeing you and the boys. It seemed like a good dream--especially now that you are far away. Ah, but more friends in this temporary time is more friends already known in the eternal space. hugs--S