Monday, July 28, 2008


I mean, poop in the POTTY!! Everett did it today...all by himself! I'm SO proud and happy. He told us he had to go this morning and asked for a diaper. We said, "No, let's go in the potty now." He protested and we did that whole thing about 5 times. Then it was Tate's naptime so I took Tate upstairs to put him down. When I came downstairs, I heard Ev in the bathroom and I rushed to see him!! He was in there, all by himself, SO PROUD I might add, goin' poopy on the potty! And he's done it again 3 times. I think it's for accolades now, but hey...I'm willing to give if he's willing to poop! :D WOOHOOO!!!

1 comment:

Dave said...

Yay for the poopalooza!