Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Everett's Prayers

Children are amazing. Honest. Much more intelligent than we give them credit for. Tender hearted now and then, too.

Last night, as I was putting Everett to bed, we had this conversation:

"Ev, today when you hit me, that made me sad. You need to remember to tell me with your words that you are angry with me, instead of hitting with your hands. Hitting hurts, OK?"

"Ok, Mommy. I'll try. 'Jesus, can you please help me to stop hitting?' "

Wow. He's definitly into praying these days. This afternoon he asked Jesus to help him be kind and gentle with his little brother. And then he asked Jesus when Jesus was going to come and take us home because he wanted to go fishing with God and wanted to get to heaven in the hot air balloon.

OK, so kids don't understand all things spiritual and philosophical, but they DO understand a lot more than we give credit for.

This is a sweet time. There will come a time when Ev has questions about God for which I don't have any answers. I'm not sure how I'll handle that, but I trust that God will still be on His throne. And who knows? Maybe God WILL take us to heaven in a hot air balloon!!?! :)

1 comment:

Katie said...

Tag- you're it! http://www.katiecantrell.com/2009/01/honest-scrap.html