Thursday, March 27, 2008

Babies, babies, babies!

There's good news and bad news every day around the world. It can be a roller coaster when that good news and bad news comes to your doorstep in the span of 48 hours. Three of my good friends have shared baby news with me over the last 2 days...One of them delivered a healthy baby boy on the 25th. SO exiting! He looks like his daddy and he's just precious. Everyone is doing well!! On the 26th, another friend of mine miscarried at 15 weeks. I feel her pain. I remember my two miscarriages like they were yesterday and the pain is fresh in my heart. I just want to fix it and soothe her and comfort her; and yet, in that situation, there is none of that to be had. No words or actions can make it better, and time doesn't heal wounds quickly. The next ride on the coaster was when my sister in law called me last night to tell me they were unexpectedly pregnant! Again, more wonderful news! It's so exciting and I'm so thrilled for them! Sadly, I'll be half-way across country when the baby is born; hopefully I can make it back for the delivery, or at least to be there soon after. Anyway, it's been a roller coaster of emotions for me these last few days...It makes me happy to have my two beautiful, healthy boys. It makes me want to be not pregnant and pregnant at the same time!! :)

Times like these force me to reconcile the fact that I am not alone...that God is always near and that, as my redeemer, He cares for ME even when my friends hurt, and He joys WITH me as my friends rejoice.

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